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Club Officers: President - Mark Lichtenwalter; Vice President - Mark Grzeskowiak; Treasurer - Eric Hanson; Secretary - Anthony Bruonzas; Scholarship Chair - Paul Kalafut; Membership Chair - David Strom; Informational Director - Anne Kerr; Alumni Relations Director - Jay North

Monday, August 21, 2006

Illini Day at Six Flags Great America

Join us for a fun-filled family day on Sunday, Sept. 3, at Six Flags Great America and Hurricane Harbor from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Enjoy the amenities of two parks for one very low price!

Admission tickets are $28 per person. (Children 3 and under are FREE.)

To receive this exclusive discount, tickets must be ordered online using the following instructions:
1. Go to http://www.sixflags.com

2. In the upper right-hand corner of the Web site, it reads "Enter Promo Code." Click there and type "Illini" and click the "Go" button.

3. Next, you are prompted to "PICK A PARK" from a drop-down menu box just below the map. Select the only park listed in Illinois. You will then see a new window that reads, "Illini Day Admission Ticket."

4. Continue following the on-screen instructions to place your order.

For more information, please contact UIAA Assistant Director Lori Frost at 217/333-9228 or lfrost2@uiuc.edu

Note: This discount only applies to online ticket purchases. Walk-ins are welcome, but will need to pay full price.


Blogger Unknown said...

There are some better Six Flags Great America Discount Codes available online. Make sure you shop online before you go there.

3:00 PM


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