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Ask Mark About the Family Picnic

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Club Officers: President - Mark Lichtenwalter; Vice President - Mark Grzeskowiak; Treasurer - Eric Hanson; Secretary - Anthony Bruonzas; Scholarship Chair - Paul Kalafut; Membership Chair - David Strom; Informational Director - Anne Kerr; Alumni Relations Director - Jay North

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Logos, Shirts and Mugs

We are trying out a couple of new logos, but we need your feedback. The image to the left is just one example. Please visit
www.cafepress.com/illiniclub to see the other examples and maybe purchase a t-shirt or mug.

All proceeds will go to the general fund/scholarship fund.

Friday, July 14, 2006

New Online Library Access for Alumni.

Beginning July 1, 2006, Alumni Association members will have online access to more than 4,000 magazines, newspapers, periodicals, scientific and professional journals and trade publications. The database, ProQuest/ABN-INFORM Complete, includes current and archived issues in full text and/or abstract versions. In addition, users can perform basic and advanced queries such as subject and key word searches.

Although license restrictions prohibit alumni access to all of the data bases that the three UI libraries make available to the campus communities, the University Librarians and the Alumni Association staff are glad to provide this new benefit that will extend the reach of the University’s world-class libraries to UI alumni living in all 50 states and more than 125 countries of the world. Until now, these services have been available only to UI faculty, staff and students with a University net-id.

For more information on this service, please go to www.uiaa.org/proquest or for information about membership in the Alumni Association, contact Alumni Services at 800/355-2586 or alumni@uillinois.edu

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

LAS Alumni

Join the LAS Alumni Association on Saturday, July 29th, for an thrilling evening of theater at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.

The night will begin with dinner on the stage of Foellinger Great Hall, and a discussion with James Berton Harris, producing director of Summer Studio Theatre Company. Following dinner, there will an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour including scenery, costume, and property construction shops. Closing the event will be Summer Studio Theatre Company's performance of Dead Guilty, a psychological thriller showing how love and loyalty square up.

To participate, please register on the LAS web site at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please contact Ginny Veeder at (217)333-3387 or (888)333-9644

Saturday, July 08, 2006



9511 West Manhattan-Monee Road
Frankfort, IL 60423

Check in time is between 11:00-Noon
Modified Shotgun Start at Noon

$100 per golfer includes a light lunch and nice Dinner after the event, and we are working on door prizes.

Hole sponsorships are available at reasonable rates! Get the name of your business out to fellow Illini!

Any profit, as always, will go to the Club Expenses, primarily the Illini Club of Will County Scholarship Fund.

Sign up sheets will be out soon.

For more information, or to sponsor a hole, donate a door prize, or to just volunteer...

Contact the golf committee chairman Eric Hansen